Quand la danse guérit
Printed book - Schott-Billmann France, Maillard Catherine, impr. 2012, cop. 2012
A travers une approche interdisciplinaire qui s'étend du biologique au psychanalytique, cette étude met en lumière les fonctions thérapeutiques de la danse. Electre 201...
To ask the suffrages of the patrons : Thomas Laycock and the Edinburgh chair of medicine, 1885
Printed book - Barfoot Michael, Laycock Thomas, 1995
Printed book - Martoja-Pierson Micheline, Vachon Claude, 1995
The causes of the industrial revolution in England
Printed book - Hartwell Ronald Max, [1972]
Mathematics elsewhere : an exploration of ideas across cultures
Printed book - Ascher Marcia, c2002
The Origins of chemistry
Printed book - Multhauf Robert P, 1993