87245 results found

L'anorexie mentale et le jeûne mystique du Moyen Age : faim, foi et pouvoir

Printed book - Fraise Nathalie, 2000
femmes mystiquesanorexie mentalejeune20e sieclemysticismejeune alimentaireanorexiquesanorexiejeune (privation d'aliments)medecine et societemoyen-age

Physical science in the Middle Ages

Printed book - Grant Edward, [1971]
physical sciencesscience, medievalhistoire de la physiquemoyen-age

Astronomers royal

Printed book - Ronan Colin Alistair, 1969
histoire de l'astronomiegrande-bretagne

Between science and philosophy : an introduction to the philosophy of science

Printed book - Smart John Jamieson Carswell, [1968]

An introduction to the logic of the sciences

Printed book - Harré Rom, 1960

The scientific thought of Henry Adams

Printed book - Wasser Henry Hirsch, 1956
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