Images and enterprise : technology and the American photographic industry, 1839 to 1925
Printed book - Jenkins Reese V., cop. 1975
Henri Poincaré : les sciences et la philosophie
Printed book - Schmid Anne-Françoise, Russell Bertrand, 2001
Le royaume de France
Printed book - Blaeu Joan, 1987
Novae coelestium terrestriumque rerum observationes
Printed book - Fontana Francisco, Fay Peter, Beaumont Sally, 2001
Semaphores to short waves : proceedings of a Conference on the Technology and Impact of Early Telecommunications, held at the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce on Monday 29 July 1996 ...
Printed book - James Frank A. J. L., Conference on the Technology and Impact of Early telecommunications, c1998
Maçonnerie de petits éléments : murs et cloisons
Printed book - Institut technique de la Fédération française du bâtiment, Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment, DL 2010
Ce calepin traite des règles d'exécution des murs et cloisons en références aux DTU 20.1 et 20.13.