Museums and the Web 2000 : selected papers of an International Conference, [April 16-19, 2000, in Minneapolis]
Printed book - Bearman David, Trant Jennifer, Museums and the Web Conference, 2000
Schizophrénie : études cliniques et psychopathologiques
Printed book - Ey Henri, Garrabé Jean, 1996
Mille milliards de microbes : de Pasteur aux biotechnologies : [dossier de présentation]
Printed book - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie Direction de la communication et de la promotion, 1990
Soft soap, hard sell : american hygiene in an age of advertisement
Printed book - Vinikas Vincent, 1992
Mariano Taccola and his book De ingeneis
Printed book - Prager Frank D., Scaglia Gustina, Taccola Mariano, [1972]
Resources for the history of physics
Printed book - Brush Stephen G., 1972