Calendars and years : astronomy and time in the Ancient Near East
Livre imprimé - Steele John M., cop. 2007
Dates form the backbone of written history. But where do these dates come from? Many different calendars were used in the ancient world. Some of these calendars were ba...
Experts et expertise au Moyen Âge : consilium quaeritur a perito
Livre imprimé - Société des historiens médiévistes de l'enseignement supérieur public Congrès, 2012, cop. 2009
Le XLIIe Congrès de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l'Enseignement supérieur public, qui s'est tenu à Oxford en mars-avril 2011, a consacré ses travaux à une f...
L'abbé Breuil : un préhistorien dans le siècle
Livre imprimé - Hurel Arnaud, impr. 2011
Il y a cinquante ans disparaissait l’abbé Henri Breuil (1877-1961), un homme qui a profondément marqué la préhistoire française et internationale. Homme d’Église et hom...
One hundred years of axiomatic set theory
Livre imprimé - Hinnion Roland, Libert Thierry, 2010
In response to the paradoxes of naive set theory, axiomatic foundations for set theory and mathematics were proposed in 1908 in the following two papers: - E. Zermelo, ...
Fibonacci's "De practica geometrie"
Livre imprimé - Fibonacci Leonardo, Hughes Barnabas, cop. 2008
Leonardo da Pisa, perhaps better known as Fibonacci (ca. 1170 - ca. 1240), selected the most useful parts of Greco-Arabic geometry for the book known as De practica geo...
The apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal : science, history and religion at classic Maya Palenque
Livre imprimé - Aldana Gerardo Villalobos, cop. 2007
The Apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal takes up anew the riddles within a number of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions first recognized by Floyd Lounsbury. Gerardo Aldana unpacks ...