Scienziati, contadini e proprietari : botanica e agricoltura nell'Europa occidentale, 1350-1850
Livre imprimé - Ambrosoli Mauro, cop. 1992
Heaven and earth in early Han thought : chapters three, four and five of the Huainanzi
Livre imprimé - Major John S., c1993
A time to remember : the autobiography of a chemist
Livre imprimé - Todd Alexander Robertus, c1983
United States army headgear, 1855-1902
Livre imprimé - Howell Edgar M., National Museum of American History, [1975]
Geschichte der Mathematik in Deutschland
Livre imprimé - Gerhardt G. I., 1965
Degli automati : ovvero macchine semoventi
Livre imprimé - Héron d'Alexandrie, 1962