87027 Résultats trouvés


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The essays of Jean Rey

Livre imprimé - Rey Jean, McKie Douglas, 1951

Opera omnia

Livre imprimé - Gassendi Pierre, 1964

Nature animated : historical and philosophical case studies in Greek medicine, nineteenth-century and recent biology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis : papers deriving from the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Montreal, Canada, 1980

Livre imprimé - Ruse Michael, International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, c1983
scienceshistoire anciennephilosophiepsychanalysehistoire des sciences de la vieantiquite

Transmission de la vie psychique entre générations

Livre imprimé - Kaës René, Faimberg Haydée, Enriquez Micheline, DL 2003
psychopathologie transgenerationnellefamillepsychanalysepsychogenealogiefiliation

Le petit train de nuit

Livre imprimé - Dugué Claudine, Bégin Jean-Guy, cop. 2003
locomotive a vapeurtrains a vapeur

La sexualité animale

Livre imprimé - Cézilly Frank, impr. 2009
comportement sexuel des animaux
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