87021 Résultats trouvés


Effacer les filtres

Concepts, theories, and the mind-body problem

Livre imprimé - Feigl Herbert, Scriven Michael, Maxwell Grover, 1972
philosophie de l'espritepistemologie

Journal d'un étudiant en médecine à Paris

Livre imprimé - Papineau Lactance, Aubin Georges, Blanchet Renée, 2003
etudiants en medecinemedecine

Heinrich Hertz : Errinerungen, Briefe, Tagebücher : memoirs, letters, diaries

Livre imprimé - Hertz Heinrich Rudolf, Laue Max von, cop. 1977

Les arts de la construction

Livre imprimé, 1984

Theories on the scrap heap : scientists and philosophers on the falsification, rejection, and replacement of theories

Livre imprimé - Losee John, c2005
Theories on the Scrap Heap examines the subject of rejected scientific theories through an analysis of case studies from more than two centuries of science. Using excer...
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