87108 Résultats trouvés


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Liebig; the master chemist

Livre imprimé - Kuslan Louis I, Stone A. Harris, Gorski Henry, [1969]
A biography of the early nineteenth-century German chemist whose teaching and laboratory methods widely influenced the development of the science of chemistry

The practice of science in the nineteenth century : teaching and research apparatus in the Teyler Museum

Livre imprimé - Turner Gerard L'Estrange, Teylers Museum, cop. 1996
scientific apparatus and instrumentsphysique19e siecleinstrument scientifiquehistoire

Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens du XVIe siècle

Livre imprimé - Renouard Philippe, Bibliothèque nationale, Paris Service des travaux historiques, 1964-1991
livre ancienfrance16e siecle

Colin Archer et le norvégien

Livre imprimé - Leather John, Malice Denyse, impr. 1981
architectes navalsconstruction navalenorvegehistoire

Freud and Marx : a dialectical study

Livre imprimé - Osborn R., 1937

Les Pionniers de l'atome

Livre imprimé - Goldschmidt Bertrand, 1987
energie nucleairehistoirefrance
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