History of chemical engineering : based on a symposium cosponsored by the ACS Divisions of History of Chemistry and Industrial and Engineering Chemistry at the ACS/CSJ Chemical Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2-6, 1979
Livre imprimé - Furter William F, American chemical society Division of the history of chemistry, American chemical society Division of industrial and engineering chemistry, ACS/CSJ Chemical Congress, 1980
Convention collective nationale, Pharmacie d'officine : du 3 décembre 1997, étendue par arrêté du 13 août 1998
Livre imprimé - France Ministère du travail, des relations sociales et de la solidarité, DL 2007
Logique et philosophie mathématiques
Livre imprimé - Gonseth Ferdinand, 1998
Research films in biology, anthropology, psychology, and medicine
Livre imprimé - Michaelis Antony R., 1955
The philosophy of biology
Livre imprimé - Ruse Michael, Hull David Lee, cop. 1998
Planet earth / inside out
Livre imprimé - Gibbons Gail, 1995