Statistics in psychology : an historical perspective
Livre imprimé - Cowles Michael, 2001
Storie di tre uccellini
Livre imprimé - Munari Bruno, 2001
[La fée et la servante
Livre imprimé - Beltran Alain, Carré Patrice-Alexandre, 1999
Entraînement : tests psychotechniques et entretien
Livre imprimé, 2002
Rivista di storia della scienza
Revue imprimée
The apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal : science, history and religion at classic Maya Palenque
Livre imprimé - Aldana Gerardo Villalobos, cop. 2007
The Apotheosis of Janaab' Pakal takes up anew the riddles within a number of Maya hieroglyphic inscriptions first recognized by Floyd Lounsbury. Gerardo Aldana unpacks ...