The observatory in Islam and its place in the general history of the observatory
Livre imprimé - Sayili Aydin Mehmed, 1960
Bloodletting instruments in the National Museum of History and Technology
Livre imprimé - Davis Audrey B., Appel Toby A., 1979
Alchemy and chemistry in the seventeenth century
Livre imprimé - Debus Allen George, Multhauf Robert P., 1966
Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1973 : his Revolutions and his revolution
Livre imprimé - Chapin Seymour L., Linderman Library, [1973]
The interpretation of animal form : essays
Livre imprimé - Coleman William, 1967
Mémento des prises en charges des urgences extrahospitalières
Livre imprimé - Liger Eric, Lapostolle Frédéric, Adnet Frédéric, impr. 2010
A destination des infirmiers, infirmiers-anesthésistes et du personnel médical embarqué dans les véhicules d'urgence, ce guide donne les clés pour la prise en charge ex...