87029 Résultats trouvés


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The Emergence of the American mathematical research community, 1876-1900 : J.J. Sylvester, Felix Klein, and E.H. Moore

Livre imprimé - Parshall Karen Hunger, Rowe David E, cop. 1994
mathematics19th centurymathematiques19eme siecle19e sieclerecherchehistoirehistoire des mathematiquesetats-unis

Sistemas epistémicos e ciências : do Noviciado da Cotovia à Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa

Livre imprimé - Janeira Ana Luísa, [1987]
scienceenseignement superieursciencesportugallisbonneuniversitehistoireinstitution scientifique

The works : the industrial architecture of the United States

Livre imprimé - Bradley Betsy H., 1999
architecture, industrialarchitecture industriellehistoirepatrimoine industrieletats-unis

The story of mathematics

Livre imprimé - Motz Lloyd, Weaver Jefferson Hane, 1993
mathematiqueshistoire des mathematiques
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