Medieval religion and technology : collected essays
Livre imprimé - White Lynn Townsend, cop. 1978
Museum expressions : [1998], le catalogue . catalog
Livre imprimé - Museum expressions, Equip'Museum, Licences Expressions, 1998
Georg Cantor, 1845-1918
Livre imprimé - Purkert Walter, Ilgauds Hans Joachim, 1987
Les enfants de moins de 7 ans dans les musées
Livre imprimé, 1996
Optics and the rise of perspective : a study in network knowledge diffusion
Livre imprimé - Raynaud Dominique, cop. 2014
Diffusion de l’optique dans le réseau des universités médiévales, Why did linear perspective rise in trecento–quattrocento central Italy rather than in any other cultur...
Hermann von Helmholtz's mechanism : the loss of certainty : a study on the transition from classical to modern philosophy of nature
Livre imprimé - Schiemann Gregor, c2009
Two seemingly contradictory tendencies have accompanied the development of the natural sciences in the past 150 years. On the one hand, the natural sciences have been i...