Dangerous energy : the archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufacture
Livre imprimé - Cocroft Wayne D, 2000
The servant of colour : a history of the Society of dyers and colourists : 1884-1984
Livre imprimé - Tordoff Maurice, 1984
Guide to the American Medical Association historical health fraud and alternative medicine collection
Livre imprimé - Hafner Arthur W., Carson James G., 1992
Voyages : trois siècles d'explorations naturalistes
Livre imprimé - Rice Tony, Dorst Jean, cop. 1999
Scientific discourse in sociohistorical context : the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, 1675-1975
Livre imprimé - Atkinson Dwight, 1999
The botanists : a history of the Botanical Society of the British Isles through a hundred and fifty years
Livre imprimé - Allen David Elliston, Botanical society of the British isles, 1986